OKU - Hundreds of personnel from the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra, have brought order to street vendors (PKL) who have illegally held stalls in Pasar Baru and Pasar Atas Baturaja.

"Today's control was carried out at two points, namely Pasar Atas and Pasar Baru Baturaja," said Head of the OKU Satpol PP Agus Salim accompanied by the Head of Trantib Sofiyan in Baturaja, Antara, Friday, March 11.

He explained that in controlling these illegal street vendors, his party mobilized 100 Satpol PP OKU personnel who were assisted by related agencies in the region. "Our team is divided into two teams, namely some to Pasar Atas and partly to control traders in the Pasar Baru Baturaja area," he said.

This control is carried out considering that there are still many traders in the two traditional market areas who are naughty because they are desperate to sell in forbidden places using the shoulder of the road.

"Even though previously we had often conducted socialization, they were still determined to sell in the prohibited place," he said.

Meanwhile, according to Susi, one of the chicken traders in the Pasar Atas area, admitted that she was forced to hold her merchandise on the shoulder of the road because the stalls prepared by the local government were empty of buyers.

"If we sell at the stall, no one buys it. Maybe because the place is at the top, we have to climb stairs so buyers don't want to go there," he explained.

He hopes the relevant agencies can find a solution related to the problem so that no party is harmed. "If this is the way it is certain the traders will lose," he said.

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