JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has never implemented the river normalization program. The obstacles to normalizing rivers during the time of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan were still the same, namely stagnation in land acquisition.

So that until now the central government in this case the Ministry of PUPR has not been able to carry out normalization construction of the Ciliwung River.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, asked the community to understand that the process of land acquisition, especially in Jakarta, is not as easy as imagined.

"Yes, trace the 13 rivers, if we want to release them, it is our responsibility (DKI). But land acquisition is not as easy as people imagine," said Taufik when met at the DKI DPRD Building, Friday, March 11.

Taufik explained that the cost of land acquisition for river normalization as compensation to residents had actually been budgeted.

However, in practice, there is often disagreement on the payment price between the DKI Provincial Government and the community whose residential land will be acquired.

Meanwhile, continued Taufik, Anies did not want to use forced evictions like the previous DKI Governor.

"For example, if we have determined that land from here to here will be freed, then the land owner will definitely ask for the price to increase. So, once the price goes up, the budget doesn't go up to the ceiling," said Taufik. This is no longer the time to play brush. You can't do that, people are angry. Now, that's where there are land acquisition negotiations, about prices and all kinds of things," he continued.

The chairman of Commission D of the DKI DPRD, Ida Mahcepat, previously opened a consignment option that the DKI Provincial Government could do. When negotiations on land acquisition with residents reach a dead end, the DKI Provincial Government can entrust the cost of compensation for land acquisition to the court and immediately intensify the evictions.

However, Taufik said that the consignment road is also not easy. "The consignment is not that easy. When we want to go to court, we have to go through a dispute first. It's easy to say. But there must be a process," he added.

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