BANDUNG - The West Java Regional Police (Polda) asked the public not to be provoked and take anarchic actions, following the stabbing case of a kiai in Indramayu Regency.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Ibrahim Tompo, said that the perpetrator of the stabbing with the initials SR (33) has been detained by the police and has been named a suspect. The perpetrator has now been detained by the police.

"Don't be provoked by this incident, the case of the stabbing of the kiai has been resolved with the police and we will take firm action against the perpetrators," said Ibrahim in Bandung, as reported by Antara, Friday, March 11.

Now, he said, Kiai Farid as the chairman of Jam'iyyah Ahlith Tarekat Al Mu'tabarah An Nahdliyyah is still undergoing treatment at a local hospital. However, according to him, the condition of the kiai has improved.

"Yesterday, the Chief of Police and the Dandim saw him at the hospital, so they still had time to chat with the kiai. We pray that the kiai recovers quickly and returns to his activities quickly," he said.

As for the area where the incident occurred, according to him, there had been a deployment of people from the Banser Youth Organization. But as long as it is positive and maintains conduciveness it is permissible.

"If the mass has a positive value, we will support it," he said. The perpetrator with the initials SR carried out the persecution by slashing KH Farid Asr Waddahr along with his wife and students at the Islamic boarding school in Tegalmulya Village, Krangkeng District, Indramayu Regency on Tuesday, March 8 evening. .

Based on the examination, the perpetrator is suspected of having a different religious understanding from the victim. The perpetrators are now charged with Article 338 and Article 351 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 15 years in prison.

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