PANGKALPINANG - The National Narcotics Agency of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province managed to secure 7 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 50,000 pills of ecstasy from M (35) an inter-island drug dealer from Palembang, in order to eradicate narcotics trafficking in the area. ) along with evidence of 7 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 50 thousand ecstasy pills in Tanjung Ratu Bangka Village," said the Head of the Babel Islands BNNP Brigadier General Zainul Muttaqien in Pangkalpinang, Friday, March 11. He said a joint team consisting of BNNP Babel officers, BNNP South Sumatra, The Babylonian Police and the Pangkalpinang Customs and Excise led by AKBP Dinnar, SIK.MM managed to arrest M (35). Previously, the joint team had also succeeded in securing RM (40) from the results of the development of the US case as a drug controller in Pangkalpinang Prison. "These drug dealers are a network and we will continue to develop this drug trafficking case to its roots," he said, quoted by Antara. .

He stated that these drug dealers will be charged with multiple layers of articles or not only using the drug law, but also money laundering, so that they are deterred. so that it can have a deterrent effect on these drug dealers and networks," he said. According to him, in implementing this multi-layered crime, BNNP will cooperate with the Attorney General's Office, the High Court and the Babel Islands Regional Police for a perception in making the dealers and drug networks deterrent. "The application of this money laundering crime, based on my experience at the Maluku Provincial National Narcotics Agency, which has implemented law enforcement is layered, not only for drug crimes but also money laundering," he said.

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