JAKARTA - The mutilation process of Rinaldi Harley Wismanu's body by Djumadil Al Fajar took two days to cut it into 11 pieces, and was transferred from the Mansion Apartment in Central Jakarta to the Kalibata City Apartment, South Jakarta.
This was revealed when the police carried out a reconstruction in a unit of the Mansion Apartment, Central Jakarta. Djumadil demonstrated the mutilation process in scenes 21 and 27.
"This is the first mutilation process. On 12 in the morning, the suspect DAF mutilated his left and right legs. Left and right knees. It still uses a meat knife," said Iptu Sigit reading the reconstruction plan.
After cutting the victim's body in half, Djumadil put the pieces closed in a plastic bag and put them in a suitcase. Furthermore, the suitcase was taken to Kalibata City Apartments, South Jakarta.
A day later, Djumadil continued his mutilation action. He cut off the remaining body parts. Furthermore, the pieces of the body were brought back to Kalibata City Apartments, South Jakarta with suitcases and backpacks.
"The second mutilation process of the right groin was first mutilated by the suspect DAF using a hacksaw and continued by the left groin. The cut was put into plastic and put in coffee before duct tape," said Sigit.
"Then the right arm was mutilated by the suspect DAF. Followed by the left arm. Then the last part of the body that was mutilated was the neck," he continued.
Previously, Deputy Director of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jean Calvijn Simanjuntak said that the murderer of Rinaldi Harley Wismanu at the Mansion Apartment, Central Jakarta, Djumadil Al Fajar, had just learned to mutilate the human body.
Djumadil Al Fajar learned to mutilate from social media after killing Rinaldi. This was conveyed by the police after conducting the processing of this murder case.
"It turns out that the DAF suspect before carrying out the mutilation was self-taught. He saw on existing social media, how to mutilate," he said.
As for the results of the investigation, the motive for murder and mutilation was because the two suspects wanted to control Rinaldi's property.
For their actions, the lovers were accused of multiple articles, including Articles 340 of the Criminal Code, 338 of the Criminal Code, to 365 of the Criminal Code. So they are threatened with death.
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