JAKARTA - The Temanggung District Health Office, Central Java Province said that the life expectancy of residents in the area will reach 75.64 years in 2021.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Temanggung Regency, life expectancy in Temanggung Regency has continued to increase in recent years. The life expectancy of 75.64 years is an increase from 2020, which is 75.58 years.

"This figure exceeds the national target of 71.57 years and the Central Java provincial target of 74.47 years," said the Acting Head of the Temanggung District Health Office, Dwi Sukarmei, Wednesday, March 9.

Dwi explained that life expectancy is one of the indicators that can be used to see the degree of public health, namely the average number of years of life that will be lived by a newborn in a certain year.

The higher the life expectancy, he said, the better the community's health status, as well as the success of health programs and socio-economic development programs.

He said the increase in life expectancy was also influenced by improvements in health services that could touch all levels of society.

According to him, the improvement in health services has succeeded in reaching the lowest levels of society, one of which is because it is easier for people to access health care at affordable costs, either through BPJS financing or other insurances.

Another convenience, he said, is that the access is supported by various government programs, such as the Healthy Community Movement (Germas) and also many regional innovation programs, such as the movement to eat eggs and drink milk to avoid tengkes.

"We also carry out other supporting efforts such as socialization and training on healthy lifestyles, a clean environment and how to maintain good food and hygiene," he said.

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