JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta implements PPKM Level 2 for the next week, from February 8 to 14. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan views the decline in the PPKM level assessment as normal.

"Regarding the PPKM provisions, there are already detailed derivatives through the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs. So that later in Jakarta we will continue according to what was announced by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the circular from the Ministry of Home Affairs. We have experienced a phase where we were at Level 4, once at Level 1. So, this is part of a normal process," said Anies when met at the Monas area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 8.

In the midst of easing restrictions after dropping from PPKM Level 3, Anies asked the public to immediately follow the vaccination for those who have not done so.

Anies said that people need to get immunity when people's mobility increases again, especially for the elderly who are more vulnerable. Anies also encouraged the elderly to take booster vaccinations.

"I appeal to all people to be responsive, especially to the elderly, encourage them to carry out booster vaccinations. Because, in general, the elderly in Jakarta have received 2 vaccines. However, the third vaccine is for the elderly, families please be responsive," explained Anies.

As of March 8, 2022, the achievement of the first dose of vaccination in Jakarta was 12,416,768 people, the second dose of 10,443,986 people, while the third dose of vaccination was 1,508,032 people.

It is known, the central government has designated the Jabodetabek agglomeration area to implement PPKM Level 2. The decline in the PPKM assessment level was carried out because the area had shown a decrease in daily confirmed cases of COVID-19.

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