TERNATE - The Joint Search and Rescue Team moved quickly to evacuate 253 passengers and crew of the KMP Ngafi ferry from the North Halmahera Tobelo (Halut) route to Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku (Malut), which ran aground in the waters of Juanga, Morotai Island.

Head of Operations for the Ternate Basarnas, Bram Madya, said the joint SAR team managed to evacuate 232 passengers along with 21 crew members of the ferry that ran aground at around 14.00 WIT.

The Basarnas, the Morotai SAR alert unit, received information from officers from the Morotai Port Supervision Unit, who immediately evacuated the KMP Ngafi ferry for the Tobelo-Morotai route which ran aground in the waters of Juanga. Morotai Islands Regency.

Reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 8, at around 14:10 WIT, the Joint SAR Team immediately moved quickly to the location of the incident (LKP) to carry out the evacuation of KMP Ngafi passengers by using the Morotai SAR Alert Unit Rubber Boat, BPBD Rubber Boat, Sea Rider Kal Wayabula and KMP Kolorai belongs to the Morotai Island Regency Government.

Then at around 15.30 WIT, the joint SAR team evacuated the victims from the three evacuation points of KMP Kolorai evacuating victims to the Morotai Ferry port.

Meanwhile, Sea Rider Kal Wayabula evacuated victims to Molokai Harbor and the Morotai SAR Alert Unit's rubber boat evacuated victims to Sahid Morotai port.

At 17.15 WIT, the Joint SAR Team held a meeting with the result that all passengers were successfully evacuated in a safe condition.

The ferry that ran aground was carrying 35 units of vehicles, namely 13 units of four-wheeled vehicles and 22 units of two-wheeled vehicles.

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