AMBON - The Maluku Regional Police (Polda) invites community leaders and religious leaders in Ambon City to work together to provide guidance to the community so that public security and order (Kamtibmas) is always maintained.

"Because even though we routinely patrol every night, if there is no awareness from the local community then things will still happen that disturb the public's sense of security," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Grand Commissioner M. Roem Ohoirat, at the Maluku Police Headquarters, Ambon, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 7th.

According to him, even though police officers carry out patrols in large volumes, if people still don't have awareness, it will be the same.

"Because if we only hope for patrols, no matter how many patrols we carry out, but if there is no public awareness and when they see hidden patrols and after patrols pass, it will appear again, it will also be difficult," he said.

One way to anticipate crime is also to provide street lights and CCTV, but said Roem, that is the government's domain.

"What is clear is that related to lights and CCTV is the domain of the city government. We only work on night patrols, and we do that routinely,” he said.

He hoped that the community would continue to work together for the common interest in maintaining security and public order in Maluku, especially in Ambon City.

"Therefore, related to the security situation it is the responsibility of all of us. There are community leaders, religious leaders, then other figures, let's work together to provide guidance to the community," said Roem.

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