SOLO - The city of Solo entered the implementation of level four community activity restrictions (PPKM) this week following the high number of active COVID-19 cases in the area.

"In total, we were Soloraya at level three, but we were with Klaten at level four, yesterday we were with Sukoharjo, this is with Klaten," said Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Teguh Prakosa in Solo, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 7.

He said the city of Solo was set at PPKM level four because it was calculated from active cases, new confirmed cases, BOR, and death rates. Based on data from the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force as of Sunday (6/3) night, the number of cases was 3.461 cases.

"If there have been five or five deaths in the past few weeks, the total in one week is 20 (death cases). We are considered to be still in that position (PPKM level four)," he said.

As for the new active confirmation of COVID-19 in Solo City on Sunday (6/3) there were 153 cases. On the same day, the number of confirmed recoveries was 248 cases and one case died.

However, he said, the hospital occupancy rate or BOR in Solo has actually decreased, from 85 percent to 71 percent.

"The BOR is still above 50 percent. So later when the BOR is 50 percent, we will go to level two," he said.

Regarding the case of death, the Head of the Surakarta City Health Service (DKK) Siti Wahyuningsih admitted that there were quite a number of deaths.

"This week, 50 percent, 50 percent (who have been vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated). This means that those who have been vaccinated can still get it but it's not so severe. But 99.9 percent are all comorbid, almost all are comorbid, and are elderly," she said.

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