PASAMAN BARAT - Refugees in Simpang Timbo Abu, Talamau District, West Pasaman Regency, began to suffer from itching and coughing colds in the last few days.

"It's true, many refugees come to the medical post which stands near the evacuation post with complaints of itching," said Simpang Timbo Abu health post officer, Gina, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 6.

According to him, every day there are about 10 people who come for treatment with complaints of itching, cough, and runny nose. So far, he said, people who complain can still be overcome with the available drugs. "Medicines are still available and there are no problems," he said.

His party has opened a health service post since the evacuation post was there, after the earthquake last Friday, 25 February.

Moreover, he said, there were quite a number of refugees at Simpang Timbo Abu because many houses were damaged by the earthquake because this area was already at the waist of Mount Talamau.

The head of Simpang Timbo Abu Youth, Dodi said that the refugees are still living in tents. "There are about 56 tents with 130 displaced families still surviving. About 107 children, 17 babies, and 4 pregnant women," he said.

So far, the logistical needs of refugees have been met, both from the assistance of the central, provincial, district governments and donations from benefactors.

Meanwhile, the West Pasaman Health Service, West Sumatra, stated that acute respiratory infections (ARI) were the most common diseases complained of by earthquake victims in the local district.

"Based on data, as of last Friday night, the most common diseases were ARI, with 334 cases," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the West Pasaman Health Service, Dr. Gina Alecia, at Simpang Empat.

This condition occurs because there is an infection in the respiratory tract which is characterized by symptoms of cough, runny nose, and fever.

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