JAKARTA - The Health Service and Bank DKI held a third or booster dose of vaccination at the weekend at two service offices of Bank DKI, namely the Juanda Service Office located in Central Jakarta and Bank DKI Syariah Matraman located in East Jakarta.

The Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini, said that the vaccination service which will be held on Saturday, March 12, will be open to the general public.

"This booster vaccination is intended for residents who have carried out stage 1 and stage 2 vaccinations from any domicile and are over 18 years of age," said Herry in his statement, Sunday, March 6.

Herry explained that the public can take a walk-in booster vaccination or come directly and register via the JAKI application first.

If through JAKI, prospective vaccine registrants only need to open the JAKI application, then click on the COVID-19 vaccination registration banner.

Next, enter your NIK and full name according to your KTP, then click on the COVID-19 vaccination list, fill in your complete personal data, fill in your residence data, and select the category of the general public. Finally, choose a vaccination schedule and location. "Bank DKI has prepared venue facilities, implementing teams, and supporting infrastructure from Bank DKI while still implementing strict health protocols," said Herry.

The booster vaccination service has been running since last Saturday, March 5 and will continue on Saturday next week. In total, Bank DKI provides a total quota of 1,600 people for vaccination on 5 and 12 March 2022 in both locations provided by Bank DKI.

"The existence of a vaccination center that is easily accessible to the public can support the acceleration of giving booster vaccinations considering the development of the COVID-19 variant, which still needs to be monitored," he added.

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