ACEH - Aceh Governor Nova Iriansyah requested assistance from the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo in overcoming the trade deficit in the local province. As a result of this deficit, the provincial government must bring in agricultural commodities from other provinces or other countries.

"Our regional trade deficit is very high because the commodities needed are high while production is lacking," said Nova Iriansyah in Aceh Besar, Antara, Friday, March 4.

The statement was delivered on the sidelines of accompanying the Minister of Agriculture to harvest rice in Blang Miro Village, Simpang Tiga District, Aceh Besar.

He explained that several programs launched by the Minister of Agriculture had a direct impact on efforts to reduce the deficit rate that had occurred so far. For onion production, in particular, it is only around 10 thousand tons, while the demand for onions is 70 thousand tons.

"God willing, we will focus on sectors that can reduce the deficit rate by increasing production," he said.

He added that although Aceh experienced a trade deficit, in general the agricultural sector grew significantly where the Acehnese farmers' exchange rate (NTP) was at 104 percent.

During the visit to Aceh Besar, the Minister of Agriculture and the Governor of Aceh were accompanied by the Deputy Regent of Aceh Besar, Husaini A Wahab and officials from the Aceh Government and local districts.

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