AMBON - Three Heads of Student Activity Units (UKM) at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ambon are threatened with being disabled if they are not in line with institutional regulations.

The three UKMs are the Cross Student Press, Arts and Sports.

"If they carry out activities or activities that support the campus or are in line with the campus, we support them. But if it's beyond that, we'll evaluate. So the chairman will be deactivated so he doesn't use the institution as he pleases," said Vice Rector III of IAIN Ambon, M. Faqih Seknun, Antara, Friday, March 4.

The three SMEs are considered united and always carry out activities that do not follow the IAIN campus rules.

"Because of one problem the three of them joined. Then what is the function of UKM under IAIN Ambon, which we provide a budget for activities, but what is given is never positive and publishes the good name of the campus, "he said.

Seknun said, the threat for each of the three UKM heads was because they were considered offensive to the institution in an art UKM activity. There is a display of artwork showing sentences of sexual harassment on Indonesian campuses.

“Yesterday, what they did was to mention institutions regarding sexual harassment in Indonesia. That's what he brings problems from outside into this campus, "he said.

According to him, every campus UKM should always support its own campus, not find fault with the campus and then spread it to the outside.

“SMEs should unite with campuses to improve quality and advance campuses. Not the other way around. If you find fault with the campus, who are you, you have been given a budget, but what are you using the budget for," he explained.

He emphasized that in the future he will see the development of the three SMEs. If it is still not supported, in accordance with the institutional or academic procedures of IAIN Ambon, it will be considered and the chairperson is disabled.

"So it will be re-evaluated in order to be in line with IAIN Ambon. But if they do something weird, just join the outsider, and not here again," he said.

Seknun added, if the chairman has been disabled, the UKM will no longer be accommodated until the deliberation takes place.

"I didn't set a time, but if it's not in line, we won't be able to accommodate it anymore. We don't use it. We'll give you a budget, that's your right. But your obligation is also to provide motivation and progress on this campus," he said.

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