JAKARTA - The Israeli military fired rockets at the militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Palestine on Wednesday, September 16. The attack was in response to Hamas rocket fire on Israel which coincided with the signing of the agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain.

It was noted that rocket fire from Hamas militants had injured two Israelis. On this basis, the Israeli military carried out a direct counterattack against the ten points of the Hamas militant headquarters in Gaza. Some of these are weapons manufacturing plants, deck materials, underground infrastructure and military training complexes.

For the sale and purchase of these attacks, Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu said he was not surprised. Because, the attack had been predicted by him. Netanyahu said the attack would mean nothing to the normalization of Israel's relations with the UAE and Bahrain.

“They want the peace to retreat, but they will not succeed. We will vigorously attack all those who try to harm us, and reach out peacefully to all those who are ready to make peace, "he was quoted as saying by the Associated Press, quoted Wednesday, September 16.

Palestinians have previously opposed the normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain. Palestinians see this normalization as a form of betrayal of the goals of Arab countries which previously did not recognize Israel as a state.

Even so, neither United States President Donald Trump nor Netanyahu mentioned Palestinians in their remarks at the signing ceremony. However, the Foreign Ministers of the UAE and Bahrain seemed to be talking about the importance of maintaining the existence of the Palestinian state.

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