JAKARTA - The Director of Operations for the Indosurya Cipta Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Suwito Ayub, who was named a suspect in an investment fraud case, allegedly fled to Singapore using a fake passport. Bareskrim is also investigating the whereabouts of the suspect.

"We are currently investigating (the suspect's whereabouts, ed)," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dirtipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan to reporters, Friday, March 4.

The existence of Suwito Ayub in Singapore is based on the information obtained. Where, he is said to have crossed into Singapore at the end of 2021 using a different identity from the data at the Criminal Investigation Department.

"Currently, information has been obtained that the suspect Ayub crossed into Singapore at the end of November 2021 using a different identity from the data in the National Police and allegedly using a fake passport," said Whisnu.

In addition, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police published a wanted list (DPO) on behalf of Suwito Ayub. Because he ran away when investigators were about to examine him.

"We made a list of people looking for Brother Suwito Ayub," said Whisnu.

Suwito Ayub is the Managing Director of KSP Indosurya. He fled when investigators checked his residence. The checking is after the investigator asks for additional information from the person concerned in order to complete the documents, minutes, and case files.

The call took place last week. However, Suwito Ayub was unable to attend due to illness. The notification of absence is also accompanied by a certificate from the doctor.

"We didn't believe it, then we checked the location and it turned out that Brother Suwito Ayub was not where he lived. In the sense that he had run away," said Whisnu.

In this case, investigators have named Suwito Ayub as a suspect and two other suspects with the initials HS, as the founder and chairman of the cooperative, and JI as Head Admin.

In anticipation of the other two suspects following in Suwito Ayub's footsteps, the police arrested and detained HS and JI.

"Detention for fear of escaping like Suwito Ayub's brother," said Whisnu.

For information, the two high-ranking officials, KSP Indosurya and Chairman of KSP Indosurya Cipta Henry Surya, and the Finance Director of KSP Indosurya Cipta June Indria, have also been named as suspects.

All three are suspected of alleged banking crimes and or criminal acts of embezzlement and or criminal acts of fraud/fraud and money laundering.

All three were charged with Article 46 of Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking and or Article 372 of the Criminal Code and or Article 378 of the Criminal Code and Article 3 and or Article 4. As well as Article 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Crime Money laundering.

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