JAKARTA - The Indonesian government is one of the member countries that supports the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly (UN) demanding Russia stop the invasion of Ukraine. A number of parties are sarcastic with this decision.

However, this government move has the support of a member of Commission I of the DPR, Irine Yusiana Roba Putri. She does not agree that Indonesia is said to have only joined in supporting the resolution.

Irene assessed that Indonesia's position regarding the condition of Ukraine was in accordance with humanitarian interests.

"Indonesia's attitude is in accordance with the principles of international law and humanitarian interests, not a matter of taking sides or 'following' other countries," said Irene in Jakarta, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 3.

According to her, assessing Indonesia's position is a form of support for the principles of international law and the UN Charter, especially respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

This member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) faction said that the Russian military invasion of Ukraine has cost and continues to threaten the lives of civilians, as well as risking regional and global peace. For that, she strongly supports stopping the Russian invasion.

"The attitude of Indonesia and 140 other countries is motivated by these bigger interests, not just foreign policy attitudes towards other countries' conflicts. There are considerations of territorial sovereignty and humanity there," said Irine.

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