Ex-Treasurer Of The Riau Bapenda Tilaps ASN Zakat Money Of IDR1.1 Billion
Head of the Riau Bapenda Syahrial Abdi. (BETWEEN/screenshot)

PEKANBARU - The former treasurer of the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Riau Province with the initials M is suspected of stealing zakat money from the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the amount of Rp1.1 billion.

Head of Bapenda Riau Province Syahrial Abdi explained that the case was uncovered from the discrepancy in depositing zakat from Bapenda Riau with records of zakat receipts from the local National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS).

"We have confirmed and it is true that there is a discrepancy in zakat from Bapenda. It should have submitted a total of Rp. 1.4 billion, but according to the records of zakat receipts at BAZNAS Riau, it was only Rp. 335 million," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 2.

Syahrial said that his party had carried out internal actions and examinations and the person concerned had admitted his actions.

"He admits his actions and is committed to making up for the lack of zakat deposits," he continued.

Based on the relevant confession, Syahrial said the flow of funds amounting to Rp. 1.1 billion was used for personal needs.

"The flow of funds is used for personal needs. Regarding the crime, it depends on the results of the inspection by the inspectorate," he said.

Therefore, the Riau Bapenda has reported it to the leadership, and it has been followed up through an inspection from the inspectorate.

Syahrial hoped that there would be justice in taking action and making sure that the inspectorate recommended what M.

For this incident, the Governor of Riau Syamsuar has issued a new circular regarding the mechanism for distributing zakat, namely by directly deducting money from ASN accounts and directly entering BAZNAS accounts without any intermediary through the treasurer.

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