JAKARTA - There are quite a lot of additional patients related to COVID-19 at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, Central Jakarta, in the daily count this morning.
Head of Information for the Joint Defense Region I Command (Kogabwilhan I) Colonel Marines Aris Mudian said that currently there are 112 COVID-19 patients being treated at the Wisma Atlet Hospital. Usually, the number of daily patients does not reach 100 people.
"Initially, there were 1,628 inpatients at the Wisma Atlet Hospital yesterday, today there are 112 hospitalized patients to 1,740 people," said Aris in his statement, Wednesday, September 16.
All the additional patients per day are positive cases of COVID-19. There are no more suspected patients who are still being treated at RSD Wisma Atlet.
"Of all the patients treated at the Wisma Atlet Hospital, 893 of them were men and 848 women," he said.
Wisma Atlet Hospital has a patient capacity of 12,000 beds. The category of patients treated at Wisma Atlet Hospital is patients with mild symptoms and no symptoms.
Meanwhile, moderate and severe symptoms of COVID-19 are treated at a COVID-19 referral hospital. Because, these patients need a breathing apparatus (ventilator) and more intensive care
As is known, last night, a citizen uploaded a video of a number of ambulances lined up in a long line in front of the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.
In addition to showing ambulances lined up, the six-second video shows a number of people wearing white personal protective equipment (PPE).
The uploader of this video on Twitter, namely @tyarooo, said he got this video from a friend who was being referred to the hospital.
"This video I sent my friend who is referring to it," he said, reconfirming the upload.
It's just that regarding the timing of the incident, he doesn't know any more details, but he confirmed it had just happened. "I don't know the exact hour, but the point is today," he said.
It turned out that the ambulance queuing at the entrance to the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital Kemayoran, Jakarta, was not the result of a full condition.
Deputy Commander of the Integrated Joint Task Command (Kogasgabpad) RSD Wisma Athlete Brigadier General M Saleh, said queues like this are commonplace and due to the registration process.
This was conveyed by Saleh in response to the six-second video of an ambulance that was uploaded by netizens. "It's not long. That's just the queue for registration lists," said Saleh.
Returning to the matter of ambulance queues, Saleh said, the actual registration process did not take long. It's just that, for people without symptoms (OTG) currently constrained by limited facilities.
"(The registration process, red) does not take long. Only if the OTG has limited facilities, because the IGD is also narrow," said Saleh.
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