JAKARTA - The number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Karawang Regency, West Java, increased by six people. A total of 1,944 people have died since the coronavirus case emerged in the area.

Based on COVID-19 monitoring data released by the Karawang Health Office, Tuesday, the cumulative total number of COVID-19 cases in Karawang has crossed 50,149 cases.

The details are as many as 1,944 people died from COVID-19, or an increase of six people compared to the previous day.

Then for active cases or positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Karawang, it has now reached 4,352 cases.

Of the 4,352 cases, 243 of them were hospitalized and 4,109 people underwent self-isolation.

Meanwhile, the number of patients who have been declared cured since the emergence of the COVID-19 case in Karawang, has now reached 43,853 people.

Spokesperson for the Karawang COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Fitra Hergyana, said that the public should continue to comply with health protocols when doing activities outside the home.

Prokes can be done by still wearing a mask, avoiding crowds and getting used to washing with soap.

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