JAKARTA - A number of meat traders at Kramat Jati Market, East Jakarta conducted a sales strike, Monday, February 28. This action was triggered by skyrocketing meat prices which resulted in a drop in the income of traders.

"On a strike they sell local beef. The sales are low, how do you sell it," said Ape, a beef seller at Kramat Jati Market, Monday, February 28.

He said, the high price of meat also reduces public interest. While some traders are still selling just to spend beef stock only.

"The meat was left over yesterday. I sold it for Rp 130 thousand," he said. From VOI's observation at the location, the atmosphere of the meat traders' block market, which is usually busy, has become quiet. They hope, this action can make the price of meat back to normal.

Because, the high price of meat makes their turnover down 70 percent from usual. "Buyers are quiet, down (meat buyers) by half," he said.

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