JAKARTA - Various efforts are continuously being made to create conduciveness in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java, regarding the pros and cons of andesite mining plans in this village for the construction of the Bener Dam foundation.

The andesite mining plan in Wadas Village has been dragging on since 2016 and has not been completed until 2022. The Bener Dam National Strategic Project (PSN), which is targeted for completion in 2023, is in danger of delaying its construction because the andesite stone material is not yet available.

The TNI and Polri apparatus as well as the village government are trying their best to create a cool situation in Wadas Village by connecting communication between residents who are pro and contra of the andesite mining plan after securing dozens of residents who are considered not to agree with andesite mining.

Responding to the problems in Wadas Village, the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) is ready to help residents and the government find common ground.

Deputy Secretary General GP Ansor who is also Head of Syuriah PBNU H Aunullah A'la Habib (Gus Aun) said PBNU is ready to help residents and the government find common ground regarding andesite mining in Wadas Village. Problems can be solved if all parties are level-headed.

The involvement of PBNU is considered vital to come up with a solution considering that the majority of the residents of Wadas, Bener District are nahdliyin.

According to Gus Aun, all parties should not rush to the conclusion that the government oppresses the people and the people are marginalized.

"The most important of all problems is the solution, we have to find the best solution," he said.

He revealed that PBNU Chairman Gus Yahya (Yahya Cholil Staquf) always monitored Wadas problems from day to day. Many PBNU administrators have also gone to Wadas to monitor the situation. The Wadas issue will be an organizational decision.

He emphasized that PBNU did not want parties with other interests to clash with Wadas residents and also to clash with the government.

"Don't let the Wadas problem have parties with other interests. Everyone must be level-headed, must help the people and accompany the government, both must be carried out to find common ground," he said.

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