PRAHA - Slovakia will provide financial support to people hosting Ukrainian refugees to help them accommodate the thousands of refugees who fled the Russian invasion of their country. This was said by Finance Minister Igor Matovic, Saturday, February 26. Although the European Union members share only a small border with Ukraine, they have received more than 10,000 Ukrainians in a day. The majority of refugees there are women and children. That's just a fraction of the flow of refugees in neighboring Poland, which is home to the region's largest Ukrainian minority, with 100,000 refugees in the past two days. Slovak households and institutions will receive 200 euros (around Rp. 3.2 million) per month for each adult and 100 euros (about Rp. 1.6 million) per month per child they accommodate, Matovic said.

The coalition government basically agrees with the plan and the government should issue a decree on the matter, he added. The Slovak government has also given the go-ahead for delivery of artillery munitions and fuel to Ukrainian troops and is willing to host NATO combat troops to strengthen the region. east of the defense alliance.

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