PADANG - The Regional Brimob Unit (Satbrimobda) of the West Sumatra Police provided a public kitchen car that provided food and drinks at the West Pasaman earthquake evacuation site.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Satake Bayu Setianto, said that two field vehicles from the West Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade (Satbrimob) were dispatched to help communities affected by the earthquake in West Pasaman Regency.

The two vehicles are the Mobile Brimob Randurlap Car and the Brimob Water Treatment Car.

"This field vehicle from the West Sumatra Police Satbrimob has been in West Pasaman Regency after the earthquake on Friday, February 25," he said in Padang, Sunday, February 27.

He said the Mobile Brigade Randurlap car was presented to help provide ready-to-eat food, such as fried rice.

"In addition to being able to be picked up at the place where the vehicle is located, later officers will also deliver it to a remote location that is in a refugee camp," he said.

Meanwhile, the Water Treatment Brimob car is a car that provides water that can be directly consumed by the public.

"In this Water Treatment car, residents can take water and drink it directly," he said.

Previously, the West Sumatra Police sent four trucks of aid for earthquake victims in West Pasaman and Pasaman, which were released by the West Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Teddy Minahasa Putra.

This humanitarian aid in the form of basic necessities and clothing is to help people affected by the earthquake in West Pasaman Regency and Pasaman Regency.

"With the earthquake in Pasaman and West Pasaman, the West Sumatra Regional Police and other ranks of the Resort Police provided assistance to the area to help ease the burden of the refugees," he said.

He said the aid distributed was rice, clothes, blankets and basic necessities as well as other instant food.

"Hopefully this can provide relief for our colleagues (community) who are in refugee camps," he said.

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