Enforcement Task Force Ready For Massive Patrol Watching PSBB In DKI
Metro Jaya Police Department (DOK. VOI)

JAKARTA - The establishment of a task force (task force) to monitor health protocols to prevent COVID-19 has been agreed. This decision was taken in a coordination meeting of Polda Metro Jaya and related agencies to discuss the prosecution mechanism for PSBB offenders in DKI Jakarta.

"The results of yesterday's meeting are that we will form task forces at the provincial level with the same contents, all from the TNI, Polri, Regional Government, Court and Prosecutor's Office. The task force is to carry out prosecution justice for the community," said the Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya. , Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters, Tuesday, September 15.

For the National Police, the task force at the provincial level is under the authority of Polda Metro Jaya. This task force is also enforced at the Polres and Polsek levels. The Task Force will take massive action against violators during the PSBB era.

"Now this is moving massively, in what ways? The way to do this is to map out which clusters can be used as priority scales for us to take action in a persuasive and humanist manner," said Yusri.

The task force will later guard or patrol the mapped points. For example, office areas, terminals to train stations.

In the coordination meeting, it was also decided to collaborate with certain communities. So that people will remain disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"Community leaders, well-respected figures there. Then the management of the market. That is what becomes the community that positions the community, supervises, reprimands the community, on the one hand our Task Force also goes down," said Yusri.

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