JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appealed to residents who have a history of comorbidities and have been exposed to COVID-19 to undergo treatment at a centralized isolation location (Isoter).

This statement was made by Sigit when he directly inspected the centralized isolation location at the Haji Dormitory in Pekanbaru, Riau.

"Especially for people who have comorbidities (centralized isolation treatment, ed). Because doctors and health workers will follow every day regarding health conditions. And this will reduce the risk of fatality that occurs", said Sigit, Thursday, February 24.

In addition, Sigit also suggested that Isoter is carried out by people who do not have the supporting facilities and infrastructure for self-isolation. Thus, there is no spread of COVID-19.

"Because there are rules and standards for self-isolation. Where must the conditions be met so that there is no spread", said Sigit.

"Of course, this can be evaluated or checked, whether the bathing facilities are also separate, then have sufficient rooms that can be used to separate the sick and not sick. If we do not have these standard requirements, of course, our advice is better. well treated in Isoter", he continued

Specifically for the Riau area, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that based on the data, 41 Isoter locations had been provided with a BOR rate of 9.25 percent or with a capacity of 1,697 beds that had been filled with 157.

Then, Sigit also stated that the location of the Isoter was provided by doctors and health workers to carry out intensive monitoring. Then, in terms of service, facilities, medicines, and food have been prepared properly.

"I thank the Riau Provincial Government for preparing this Isoter very well. And of course, this is also an option for people who are currently exposed to the new variant of Omicron, especially because there is a risk that even though the vaccine is currently exposed, the fatality rate is far lower than those who have not been vaccinated", said Sigit.

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