LEBAK - One resident's house in Cikulur, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, collapsed due to ground movement, fortunately there were no casualties.

"The house that collapsed belonged to Mr. Misto, currently it is flat to the ground," said Dayat (60), a local resident in Lebak Regency, Thursday, February 24.

In that incident, Misto and his family were at his parents' house, so they survived the disaster.

Besides Misto's house, there are 39 other houses that are also in danger of collapsing due to ground movement. Most of the conditions are cracked and the wooden supports are broken at the top. "We and the residents here stay at night in the refugee post which was established by the Tagana (Disaster Preparedness Team) volunteers in Lebak Regency," he said.

Likewise, the house belonging to Mamay (40), a resident of Cihuni Curug Panjang, Lebak Regency, whose condition is now large, has a large crack in the living room extending to the room and toilet.

"We were forced to evacuate with other residents for fear of collapsing," he said.

The head of the Tagana Volunteer for Lebak Regency, Iwan Hermansyah, said that there are 40 families living in the Curug Panjang Village, Cikulur District currently living in the refugee post.

Most of their houses were cracked and some of them collapsed due to the movement of the ground.

The presence of refugee posts and public kitchens is to provide basic services to residents who are victims of natural disasters so they don't experience food insecurity and disease.

"We prioritize rescue to reduce disaster risk," he explained. Meanwhile, the Head of the Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency BPBD Agus Reza Faisal said his party immediately went to the location of the residents' villages that were hit by the landslide disaster in Curug Panjang Village.

Based on the results of the field survey, it is estimated that the residents' houses are cracked due to the movement of the ground because they are located above the water source.

However, his party will report to the Regent of Lebak for volcanic research to the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) Bandung.

"We hope that the results of the research can identify the cause of the ground movement," he said briefly.

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