Residents' Houses In Banyuwangi Sold Out On Fire Due To A Short Circuit When Charging Electric Motors

BANYUWANGI - The house owned by Joni (38) on Jalan Cut Nyak Dien, Tukang Kayu Village, Banyuwangi, East Java, was burned down. The fire is thought to have been triggered by a short circuit while charging the electric motor.

Joni said the fire occurred on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at around 11.30 WIB. At that time the fire spread from the direction of the kitchen, or where he was charging his electric motor.

"At that time I was sleeping. First my wife saw, the fire appeared from the kitchen and its position has grown," said Joni, Wednesday, February 23.

The fire then burned the house which was actually made of wood. The fire also devoured home furnishings, including 1 bicycle.

"The estimated loss is more than Rp. 100 million," said the man who works as an electronics technician.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Fire Department, Wawan Yatmadi, said the fire was suspected to have been triggered by an electrical short circuit. The fire emerged from the kitchen and spread throughout the building.

"The suspicion is that it was due to an electric short circuit. The buildings and furniture were burned. There were no casualties," said Wawan, his nickname.

The process of extinguishing, continued Wawan, lasted about 30 minutes. There were 5 units of fire engines were deployed.

"Currently, the cooling process has started, fortunately it was immediately handled so that the fire did not spread," he said.

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