JAKARTA - Today is the last day for tofu and tempeh craftsmen to strike. Tomorrow, tofu and tempeh in Jakarta will be sold again after previously disappearing from the market since last Monday, February 21.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Tofu and Tempe Cooperative Center (Puskopti) Hedy Kuswanto when he visited the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD to complain about the increase in soybean prices.

"On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd (February) there is no tempe-tofu circulating in the market until now. Indeed, this is the last day of our strike. Maybe tomorrow there will be more," said Hedy at the DKI DPRD building, Wednesday, February 23. .

However, Hedy predicts that the price of cut tofu and tempeh that will be sold in the market will rise starting tomorrow.

"Tomorrow there will be a slight increase. The usual Rp. 5,000 for a piece of tempeh becomes Rp. 6,000, the usual Rp. 7,000 becomes Rp. 8,000," said Hedy.

Hedy explained, the increase in the price of tofu and tempeh is suspected from the increase in the price of soybean raw materials that they buy before they are produced. The increase in soybean prices has also caused the craftsmen to strike production and trade.

He explained that the price increase began to occur slowly since October 2021. Initially, soybean prices ranged from Rp. 8,500 to Rp. 10,000 per kilogram. After the increase, the current price reaches Rp. 13 thousand per kilogram.

"This price continues to skyrocket. What is clear, for the price of our production, the cost is already expensive, we can't return the profit as before," he complained.

Therefore, Hedy admitted that his party complained to the DPRD to follow up with the government and try to stabilize soybean prices.

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