JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) customer service unit Cibitung, Bekasi Regency, West Java responded quickly to reports of public complaints regarding illegal connections to dozens of houses in a housing complex in Muktiwari Village, Cibitung District.

PLN ULP Cibitung manager Slamet Widodo said his party received the report last week. The report was immediately followed up by visiting the location of the complaint. As a result, there are 56 houses using electricity illegally.

"Of the 56 houses that use illegal electricity, 32 are inhabited," he said in Bekasi, Wednesday, February 23.

The officers approached the community in a persuasive manner to the owners of the 32 houses, while the illegal connections in the uninhabited houses were immediately cut off.

"We socialize first, deliberation first before taking action in accordance with existing provisions," he said as quoted by Antara.

Based on the results of the deliberation agreement, he said, housing developers are required to fulfill the administration of new installations if they do not want to be terminated by officers.

"Last Monday, the developer's representatives came. There is good faith to make connections to home buyers, but there are still financial constraints," he said.

The officers then returned to the location to carry out control. The community is facilitated with new installations on condition that they pay follow-up bills for violations of using electricity illegally and pay the cost of new installations. "Most have agreed," he said.

As of today, he said, 24 of the 32 houses there have officially installed new connections. So that the house is legally electrified. Meanwhile, eight other customers have been brought under control by cutting off electricity.

"Today there are two more who have stated that they are ready to settle related to the settlement of violations," he said.

Slamet ensured that there were no PLN officers who facilitated illegal connections to the community there and even followed up on requests to move the distribution line from the substation in the housing next door.

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