JAKARTA - Two perpetrators of motor vehicle theft (curanmor) managed to get away with a Honda CBR motorbike belonging to a resident in the Matraman area, East Jakarta. Luckily, the perpetrator's actions were caught on CCTV cameras.

The actions of the perpetrators were reckless because they acted when residents were gathering around the scene.

According to witnesses, the perpetrator was asked by local residents why his motorbike was being pushed. And answered by the perpetrator, if the motor was damaged. After that, the perpetrators freely pushed the motorbike so that no trace was known.

Putra, a local resident, said that one of the two perpetrators broke into a resident's house on Jalan Skip Ujung, RT 07/06, Utan Kayu Selatan, Matraman District, East Jakarta.

Although there were residents who passed by and gathered, the perpetrators remained relaxed in carrying out the motorcycle theft. Based on CCTV footage at the victim's house, the perpetrator entered the yard slowly and slightly opened the gate.

He took the motorbike parked in the victim's garage quietly. Slowly, the perpetrator pulled out the victim's motorbike.

"(When it was stolen) the motorbike was dead, the sport motorbike went missing around 9 pm. We were chased but the traces were gone. The streets were deserted," Putra told reporters, Wednesday, February 23.

"There are two people sitting, they want to scream, they are afraid of their brothers who have motorbikes. The perpetrators wear masks, from CCTV the perpetrators go back and forth. The other perpetrators park on the side, ride a motorbike beat," he said.

With the incident, residents said they were starting to get restless over the susceptibility to theft in the area. Residents asked the police to immediately make arrests.

"There have been two motorcycle thefts," he said.

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