JAKARTA - Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Pol. Ahmad Nurwakhid said terrorism is a crime that not only threatens public security, but also acts as a proxy to destroy the image of Islam and the Indonesian state. there is no relation between terrorism and religion, because there is no single religious teaching that justifies terrorism. However, terrorism is related to a distorted understanding of the substance of religion by religious people," said Nurwakhid in a written statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23. When he was a speaker at the seminar at the 22nd Darud Dakwah wal Irsyad (DDI) congress in Samarinda, Tuesday (22/2), Nurwakhid said that without realizing it, terrorism which often acts in the name of Islam is slander against Islam, because it is contrary to the spirit of Islamic teachings, rahmatan lil alamin. .Action and narrative propaganda by k radical groups of terrorism, he continued, are very far from religious values that teach peace, brotherhood, and peace. "Radical groups actually take actions that are contrary to religious teachings, such as pitting people against each other, inviting people to distrust the state, and even disbelieve among Muslims. According to Nurwakhid, radical terrorism is actually a political movement that politicizes religion, with the aim of changing the basis and ideology of the state. They use religious arguments for the benefit of their political passions in against noble agreements and national consensus. In a democratic system, all parties have the freedom to express different ideas and thoughts. However, he added, the views and ideologies that were initiated and promoted should not conflict with the agreements that have been mutually agreed upon as the commitment of the nation and state "We can argue about khilafiyah matters, but what is non-negotiable and becomes an obligation in religion is to maintain and maintain the agreement. They (radical terrorism) are dissident groups or bughots who want to change the basis and ideology of the state by politicizing religion," said Ahmad Nurwakhid. it is very easily transmitted through the eyes and ears of the people who are incited by narratives of radicalism.

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