JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muchamad Nabil Haroen or Gus Nabil reminded that the requirements for using the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS) for public administration should not be burdensome to the public.

"There needs to be verification based on citizen data, so that it doesn't become burdensome and counterproductive," said Gus Nabil in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 22.

He explained that the use of BPJS Health for public administration is quite good, but there must be a limit.

He gave an example, those who are very poor must be given relief. Meanwhile, those who cannot afford must be borne by the state.

"Sometimes, the person who makes the SIM is also not rich. They need a SIM to work, the motorbike is installments, sometimes to become an online driver. If it is for registering for hajj and buying land, obviously those who can afford it," he asserted, quoted by Antara.

The General Chairperson of PP Pagar Nusa Nahdlatul Ulama explained that BPJS Health is a state policy that supports strengthening health facilities and improving the health quality of citizens in Indonesia. This is a form of state concern for its citizens and the benefits of the program are clearly visible.

However, he said, sometimes people ignore the benefits. Where, when healthy, residents do not register and participate in the program, but when they are seriously ill suddenly register themselves.

"This needs to be socialized. That BPJS Kesehatan is to anticipate so that we can get the best health facilities for free when we are sick," said Gus Nabil.

The government enforces participation in the National Health Insurance (JKN) program as a condition for accessing various public services through Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022 issued on January 6, 2022. These public services include the fields of economy, education and worship, as well as law.

The government targets 98 percent of the population to become JKN participants in the 2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

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