JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan inaugurated a public area in the form of roads, bridges, parks, and roundabouts under the name Jalasena (Healthy Walk and Leisure Bike Route).
This area is located on Pantai Maju, North Jakarta. Pantai Maju is a former land reclamation island on the coast of Jakarta, namely Island D.
Anies said the inauguration of this public space was a sign of collaboration in every government work for the community. This is because the naming of public roads involves community contributions.
Anies also hopes that the community can enjoy interaction activities in the Jalasena area, which has a bicycle path that surrounds the beach.
"We hope that with this new discovery, with openness, all people will be able to enjoy the area around the beach, public spaces that can be used for pedestrians, or cycling and other activities," said Anies at the location, Monday, February 21.

In addition, Anies also emphasized that the DKI Provincial Government remains committed to providing a comfortable third public space for its citizens to move and interact in the Pantai Kita and Pantai Maju areas.
"Development and economic growth in this area must not ignore environmental, social and cultural aspects. The existing public spaces in the form of parks, beaches, as well as areas for pedestrians and casual cyclists (Jalasena) on the beach must be ensured properly. accessible to the public," he explained.
It is known, the determination of the name Jalasena resulted from a competition which was participated by 182 participants from all over Indonesia in the "We Love the Name" event.
The determination of the best participants is carried out through a selection stage involving a jury from various professions such as history lecturers, linguists and art activists.
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