TARAKAN - The Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of Tarakan Regional Hospital, North Kalimantan has closed several services to the community for the next few days because more than 100 health workers and employees have been exposed to COVID-19.

"The number of health workers and employees at the Tarakan Hospital who have been exposed to COVID-19 is more than 100", said the Director of the Tarakan Hospital, Franky Sientoro, quoted by Antara on Monday, February 21.

Health workers and employees who are exposed to COVID-19 usually experience mild symptoms, such as fever. They are self-isolating on their way to recovery.

He said the service would reopen by the results of an evaluation of the development of the situation.

There are also types of services that are closed, the Emergency Room (IGD) which only performs emergency and emergency services or priority one, and referral patients, as well as medical rehabilitation installations.

"Actually, not all of the services are closed, such as in the emergency room, which is still open, it must be an 'emergency' or priority one, and patients are referred", said Franky.

The polyclinic remains open except for the medical rehabilitation installation because six officers were exposed to COVID-19. However, at this time, it is still being tracked.

Currently, active cases of COVID-19 have increased by 34 people in Tarakan, bringing the number of residents exposed to 412 people. The number of COVID-19 patients who died increased by one person, bringing the number of people who died from COVID-19 to 399 people.

The number of recovered patients increased by 12 people, bringing the total recovery to 12,917 people, while close contacts were 399 people.

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