JAKARTA - Friends of Ganjar volunteers continue to socialize the Smart Volunteer concept using the 'Sahabat Ganjar' application. The activity was carried out door to door in three areas in East Java, namely Gresik Regency, Kediri City, and Pasuruan City, East Java.

The volunteers also distributed food packages to the surrounding community during an activity that was carried out last Sunday, February 20.

"Friends of Ganjar can carry out three activities at once, namely distributing basic necessities to people in need, especially those affected by COVID-19," said General Chairperson of Sahabat Ganjar, Gus Nahib in a written statement, Monday, February 21.

"In addition, we are also selling capital for traders, and also introducing the figure of Mr. Ganjar Pranowo to the public," he continued.

Gus Nahib said that the socialization activities were indeed integrated with the distribution of basic necessities. It is claimed to show the concept of intelligent volunteer groups.

Furthermore, he hopes that the integrated application of the volunteer 'Friends of Ganjar' can increase Ganjar Pranowo's electability.

Deputy Chairperson of the Friends of Ganjar DPW, Gresik Regency, Achmad Husyari said, the assistance from Sahabat Ganjar was expected to help the community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This activity is extraordinary. Hopefully it will be useful for the community and help Mr Ganjar's success so that he can truly be mandated as President in 2024," he said.

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