MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi instructed all district/city governments to minimize the self-isolation method (isoman) for residents exposed to COVID-19.

This was conveyed when he reopened the centralized isolation service center (Isoter) at the Hajj Dormitory, Medan, Monday, February 21. Gubsu Edy said North Sumatra residents who were exposed to COVID-19 should be picked up and undergo treatment at the Isoter place provided by the government.

Gubsu Edy explained that the opening of the Isoter was carried out so that isomanism would no longer be enforced. According to him, self-isolation is not effective.

"He has COVID, he is isoman, his house is not ready. So it is one with his family and children, medicine cannot be reached by the Health Service and Puskesmas, everything is very difficult," said Gubsu Edy.

Meanwhile, the data currently undergoing self-isolation reaches 14,500 people. Meanwhile, only 400 people are undergoing centralized isolation.

According to him, this is the trigger for the increasing spread of COVID-19 in family clusters. Therefore, to carry out the Isoter, Gubsu Edy asked all officers to participate in monitoring the condition of the community.

"For health officers, all monitors, TNI and Task Force, Babinsa, monitors. Some were exposed to information, the Head of Health picked up using an ambulance. Also don't pick them up carelessly, use PPE, your safety is the main thing before you help others," he said.

Gubsu Edy hopes that this policy will also be implemented in all district/city governments in North Sumatra. He urged them to prepare centralized isolation areas in their respective areas.

"If it is full, we have prepared another one, because this is an isoter priority. In the future, isomanism will slowly be eliminated," he concluded.

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