DENPASAR - Deputy Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana or Cok Ace said that Foreign Travelers (PPLN) or foreign tourists (tourists) could choose bubble and non-bubble hotel quarantines when they came to the Island of the Gods.

Since February 4, Bali Island has opened direct flights for PPLN and can quarantine hotels with bubble and non-bubble systems.

"Bubble hotels are quarantine hotels that allow tourists to do activities outside their rooms but are still in the quarantine hotel area so that tourists can swim, exercise and pay attention to the implementation of health protocols," said Cok Ace, at the Bali DPRD building, Monday, February 21.

Then in addition to the bubble system, hotels in Bali also offer a non-bubble system, namely spending quarantine time in the room only.

"Currently Bali has 65 quarantine hotels and 27 of them are quarantine hotels with a bubble system. This provides options for PPLN or foreign tourists," he said.

Cok Ace said that hotel prices with a quarantine bubble system and a non-bubble system are different. However, they have not been able to determine the range of rates.

"The rate will definitely be different if the bubble gives tourists more flexibility, he can use hotel facilities, he can swim, and the gym and of course the hotel provides more services," he said.

"If it's non-bubble, just stay in the room and it will be cheaper. (For the rate) it depends on the entrepreneur, he has his own tricks, we can't stop the competition between industries," he said.

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