JAKARTA - A billboard with the face of the head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri installed on the edge of a toll road has created a polemic. So the KPK is considered to have to find out who the installer is because they admit that they have never spent a budget on the billboards and Firli Bahuri also admits that he doesn't know who installed it.

Manager of the Research Department of Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Wawan Suyatmiko assessed that the KPK must immediately find out who installed the billboards that included Firli Bahuri's face which caused a scene last week.

This step, he continued, must be done in order to maintain the name of the anti-corruption commission in the community.

"It is imperative (to find out who installed the billboards, ed) if you want to maintain the integrity and integrity of the KPK," said Wawan when contacted by VOI, Monday, February 21.

Wawan is sure that finding out who puts up billboards is an easy job for the anti-corruption commission and other law enforcement officers. The reason is that this kind of installation is certainly registered so that a search can be carried out if it is the intention.

"I think it's easy for the KPK and the police to find out who was behind the installation of Firli's picture," he said.

"Installation of large-scale billboards must be registered by an advertising service company. It's just a matter of tracing it," added Wawan.

Last weekend, a photo of a billboard with Firli Bahuri's face complete with an anti-corruption message on a toll road was highlighted. In the netizens upload, the billboard contains the sentence:

"We arrest anyone who corrupts. We want to create an Indonesia that is just, prosperous, intelligent, prosperous, easy to find work, an Indonesia that is respected by the world and an Indonesia that makes its people proud," reads the billboard accompanied by a photo of the former Deputy for Enforcement of the Corruption Eradication Commission.

After being talked about a lot, Firli Bahuri then spoke up. He admitted that he did not know anything about the billboard.

"Frankly, I don't know who and where it was all installed," said Firli, quoted from his Twitter account @firlibahuri on Saturday, February 19.

Even so, he tried to be wise with this installation. According to Firli, the billboards are a form of support for the KPK.

"If it is intended to support the work of the KPK, I thank you," said Firli via his Twitter account.

Confirming Firli's statement, Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that the KPK had never issued a budget for the billboard installation. Moreover, so far no procurement has been carried out.

"KPK has ensured that it has never carried out procurement or financing in the state budget for the billboard installation," said Ali in a written statement, Saturday, February 19.

Ali even said that after there were lots of photos of the billboards on social media, the KPK Inspectorate team immediately checked. As a result, the billboard with Firli's face was no longer found.

"The KPK Inspectorate Team has also checked at the location and the billboard in question has not been found," he said.

He understands that many parties want corruption to be eradicated. However, he said this effort could not be done alone.

"We realize that eradicating corruption is not only the task of the KPK," said Ali.

"For this reason, the KPK's commitment from the start has been to continue to embrace and invite the whole community to jointly instill awareness of integrity so that an anti-corruption culture grows in the community," he concluded.

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