Trash left over from flooding in the Vila Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI)
JAKARTA - Floods hit a number of areas in Jakarta and its surroundings. This flood has occurred since Tuesday, January 1 until today.
The location of severe flooding occurred in the Nusa Indah Villa Housing, Bekasi, West Java. After receding subsides, this flood leaves trash and mud.
The following is the photo that the VOI team got from the location, today, Friday January 3.
The remaining mud from flooding at the Vila Nusa Indah Housing Complex, Bekasi (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI) Trash left over from flooding in the Vila Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI) A car that is submerged in a flood in the Vila Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI) A car carried by a flood in the Vila Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI) A car carrying clean water to be distributed to residents in the Vila Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI) A flooded corner of the house in the Vila Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI) Queuing for clean water at the Villa Nusa Indah housing estate, Bekasi, West Java (Achmad Basarrudin / VOI)
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