ACEH - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Aceh Province said it was investigating and investigating allegations of money laundering from drug sales in the used car business.

"We are starting to investigate indications of drug money laundering in the business of buying and selling used cars," said Head of BNN Aceh Province Brigadier General Heru Pranoto through Head of the Eradication Division of BNN Aceh Province Kombes Mirwazi in Banda Aceh, Antara, Sunday, February 20.

Mirwazi said the investigation into the alleged crime of money laundering was based on public information. Many people reported that the money from drug sales was used to buy used cars for resale.

"There are suspicions that at several places selling used cars, the cars they buy keep increasing, but they don't sell. The cars that are increasing are also luxury vehicles," said Mirwazi.

The former Chief of the Nagan Raya, Aceh Police, added that it was possible that public information related to the alleged money laundering from the sale of drugs was used in the business of buying and selling used cars. Therefore, it will dig up information from the community. If later strong evidence is found, of course those involved will be processed according to applicable law.

"It is possible that the information conveyed by the community is true. Especially now, the circulation of drugs in Aceh is already worrying, where the distribution of methamphetamine that has been disclosed so far is in large quantities," he said.

The investigation into the alleged crime of money laundering was carried out to break the chain so that the money generated from the sale of drugs could not be used for other businesses.

"We invite the public to report if they receive information on suspicions of money laundering from drug sales. This is to break the chain of drug trafficking in Aceh. Drug eradication is a shared responsibility," said Mirwazi.

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