JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo issued Government Regulation (PP) No. 8 of 2022 concerning Coordination of the Implementation of the Hajj. This PP was signed by Jokowi on February 9, 2022.

In the PP, Jokowi stated that the coordination of the implementation of the hajj pilgrimage was aimed at improving the quality of guidance, services, and protection of hajj pilgrims. Then, realizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the pilgrimage.

Jokowi emphasized that organizing the hajj pilgrimage is a national duty and is the responsibility of the government.

In carrying out the task of organizing the pilgrimage, the minister who organizes government affairs in the field of religion coordinates the ministers/heads of government institutions at the central level, governors at the provincial level, regents/mayors at the district/city level; and the Head of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Then, the coordination of the implementation of the pilgrimage includes three things, namely first, planning and implementing transportation, accommodation, consumption, health, travel documents, and administration services; second, coaching; and third, protection.

The planning and implementation of hajj transportation services at least include the determination of embarkation, embarkation-between, debarkation, and debarkation-between; provision of transportation; and capacity for transportation needs.

"The planning and implementation of transportation services as intended must pay attention to aspects of security, safety, comfort, and efficiency in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations," Jokowi wrote in the PP quoted on Sunday, February 19.

The provision of transportation in question includes the provision of air transportation to and from Saudi Arabia, the provision of land transportation while in Saudi Arabia, and the provision of transportation from the area of origin to embarkation and/or from debarkation to the area of origin. This is the responsibility of the local government.

Regarding the planning and implementation of accommodation services, it is stated in the PP, including the provision of accommodation in Indonesia and the provision of accommodation in Saudi Arabia.

"Accommodation services as intended must meet eligibility standards by taking into account the aspects of health, security, comfort, and convenience for Hajj pilgrims and their luggage, as well as having easy access to the Grand Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah," said Jokowi.

Likewise with the planning and implementation of consumption services, including the provision of consumption in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. "Consumption services as intended must meet health standards, nutritional needs, at the right time, in the right amount, and with the taste of Indonesia," he continued.

Meanwhile, the planning and implementation of hajj health services should at least include information on hajj health, health istitaah for hajj pilgrims; recruitment of hajj health workers; provision of hajj health facilities and infrastructure; and treatment of sick pilgrims.

Furthermore, the planning and implementation of travel document services include at least the issuance of passports, immigration services, and resolution of immigration-related problems. Meanwhile, the planning and implementation of administrative services at least include data synchronization and validation: registration of pilgrims, the delegation of portions of pilgrims, and cancellation of registration of pilgrims.

Regarding coaching, Article 23 states that the coordination of coaching activities is in the form of health coaching for hajj pilgrims which is carried out before, during, and after performing the pilgrimage.

“Health coaching as intended includes: coaching during the waiting period and coaching during the departure period; coaching while in Saudi Arabia; and coaching during the return period," he said.

Meanwhile, the coordination of protective activities is carried out before, during, and after the pilgrims and hajj officers carry out the pilgrimage.

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