JAYAPURA - The armed criminal group (KKB) is at it again. KKB members in Papua shot Glen Sumampo in Ilaga District, Puncak.

The shooting occurred at around 15.30 WIT, Saturday, February 19. At that time, the victim was in a PT MTT truck heading to Kago Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency.

“Arriving near the Kampung Kago Monument, the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) shot PT. MTT. The shot resulted in victim Glen Sumampo being hit in the left rib through the upper right rib," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, to reporters on Saturday, February 19.

The victim was evacuated to the Ilaga Health Center. Meanwhile, the joint team is pursuing the perpetrators.

Kombes Kamal, who is also the Head of the Public Relations Task Force for Ops Damai Cartenz 2022, explained that victim Glen Sumampo is currently still conscious and being treated at the Ilaga Health Center. The plan is tomorrow the victim will be evacuated to Timika.

For information, earlier in the morning at 07.35 WIT the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) opened fire on Paskhas members who were at Aminggar Ilaga Airport, Puncak Regency.

"We regret that such a thing could happen, because we TNI-Polri always try to carry out activities in a peaceful manner. However, the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) still carries out acts of violence against the TNI-Polri and the public. We TNI-Polri will carry out measurable firm action against perpetrators of law violators, let alone committing violence using firearms," said Kamal.

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