JAKARTA - On Friday, February 18, a Live Streaming Seminar was held with the theme "Digital Cakap Generation". This seminar was filled by several speakers.

The event started with an opening by the MC, then sang the song Indonesia Raya, followed by a dance from Jelantika Nusantara. The seminar entered the core activities by the first speaker, Prof. Dr. Kalamullah Ramli, M.Si as an expert in technology and information.

The first material discusses digital transformation and digital infrastructure development, the role of the digital world, and the risks of using digital.

Followed by the second resource person, namely Aliah Sayuti as an influencer and social activist. In addition, he also presented material on efforts to increase the digital capable generation, challenges in the digital era, nine digital skills, jobs that are starting to be replaced by robots, three types of AI, and the benefits of having digital skills.

The third resource person, namely by Ir. A. Rizki Sadig, M.Si as Member of Commission I DPR RI. He gave views on the need for wisdom in using digital in order to continue to have a positive impact in life.

He invites every generation to learn and master digital, and make the best use of digital, not to be out of date or ignorant.

"This is in line with the government's efforts to increase protection for digital users with the rules contained in the law," said Rizki Sadig.

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