SEMARANG - Semarang Polrestabes officers arrested six members of a syndicate that broke into bank customers causing losses of up to billions of rupiah.

The Head of Semarang Polrestabes Kombes Irwan Anwar said the perpetrators who came from the Sumatra region had deliberately come to Semarang to act at a state-owned bank in the capital city of Central Java.

The six suspects who were arrested were Khairun Fahrints (28), Muhammad Andi Syahputra (30), Rendi Dwi Putra (35), and Taufiq Ramadana (32) each from Medan City, and Kiki Handayani (25) a resident of Medan. Asahan Regency, and Windari (23) residents of Batubara Regency.

He explained that the perpetrators succeeded in stealing the money belonging to two customers with a total loss of Rp. 1.5 billion.

According to him, the syndicate's action began when the six perpetrators came to Semarang on February 15, 2022.

On the next day, he said, the perpetrators who had provided themselves with forged documents, such as electronic ID cards, savings books, and specimens of signatures of potential victims went directly to the targeted bank.

He said that there were two perpetrators, each of whom pretended to be the customer of the account holder who would be burglarized.

"So the customer whose account was burglarized does not live in Semarang," he said.

After successfully breaking into the victim's account at seven different bank branches, the gang immediately fled to another area.

Based on reports from the bank, he said, the police immediately traced the CCTV footage to find out the traces of the gang.

From the investigation carried out, the Semarang Police Criminal Investigation Unit led by the Ipda Arindra Pratama Resmon Committee arrested the six perpetrators while staying at a hotel in Solo City on February 17, 2022.

"In Solo, the syndicate plans to carry out a similar action," he said.

According to him, this was based on the findings of 10 falsified banking documents that would be used to withdraw money belonging to potential victims.

Currently, he continued, investigators are still investigating the alleged involvement of employees in the bank's internal burglary.

He said the gang is suspected of obtaining customer data that will be burglarized from bank insiders.

For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 263 of the Criminal Code regarding falsification of documents and Article 480 of the Criminal Code regarding the detention of goods resulting from criminal acts.

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