BOGOR - Bogor Regent, West Java Ade Yasin invited residents of Bojongkulur Village, Gunungputri, local district to jointly dredge the Cileungsi River in anticipation of further flooding.

"I have discussed with the Ministry of PUPR, BPBD, and Mr. Kades, we also need to cooperate with the community here. We will try what Mrs. Risma suggested, we carry out," he said after accompanying Social Minister Tri Rismaharini at the flood location in Bojongkulur Village, Bogor reported by Antara, Friday, February 18.

He admitted that he had received advice from Risma regarding temporary measures to anticipate further flooding, because the rainfall was still relatively high.

"The suggestion was that the river was dredged by heavy equipment, then the soil was piled on the side. It is stronger than the gabions that are now installed and have been damaged again," he explained.

Ade Yasin said the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) also continues to encourage the central government to normalize the Cileungsi River and Cikeas River so that the annual flooding in the eastern region of Bogor Regency can be resolved.

According to him, the Bogor Regency Government has also made efforts to deal with flooding, namely installing 24 water pumps to suck up puddles so that they quickly recede.

"We have added a water pump to return the water. Alhamdulillah, we have reduced flooding by 60 percent, and also reduced mud," said Ade Yasin.

Previously, the Bogor Regency Government through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded as many as 12,208 people became victims of flooding from the overflowing Cileungsi River in Bojongkulur Village, Gunungputri, Bogor.

"A total of 3,200 houses were affected, consisting of 12,208 people," said Bogor Regency BPBD Young Disaster Management Officer, M Adam Hamdani.

According to him, the flood with a height of 130-160 centimeters was caused by heavy rain, so the Cileungsi River overflowed at 22.15 WIB Wednesday (16/2), and began to gradually recede at 01.45 WIB Thursday (17/2).

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