JAKARTA - The Indonesian Army Research and Development Agency (Dislitbangad) held a trial (certification) of the domestically made Indonesian Army PDL uniform at the Batu Jajar Dislitbangad Laboratory, Bandung.

The Head of Dislitbangad Brigadier General Terry Tresna Purnama, who led the certification activity, asked partners to fulfill all the requirements and criteria for the TNI PDL uniform, considering that uniforms are one of the main tools that support the duties of soldiers in the area of operation.

"TNI soldiers not only need comfortable clothes, but also reliable when used in bush/forest fields," Terry said during the PDL uniform certification as quoted by ANTARA from a written broadcast by the Indonesian Army Information Service, Friday, February 18.

Therefore, he emphasized that the material of the TNI AD PDL uniform must be light, not stiff, not easily wrinkled, not easy to fade, strong against weather and environmental influences, and not easily torn.

In this activity, Kadislitbangad conveyed to partners that the uniform certification process was quantitative by taking into account aspects, such as the application of technology, and support for domestic industries.

Not only that, the TNI PDL uniform which will be used by soldiers while on duty must also pay attention to security and confidentiality aspects.

The reason is that the army's field service clothes (PDL) will be used by soldiers when they are on duty in the field.

Terry emphasized that the various aspects and criteria must be seen in a uniform final product.

The PDL uniform product desired by the Dislitbang TNI AD is safe and comfortable, the material is light and easy to distribute to the soldiers, not stiff so that those who wear it can move freely, and the uniform must also have high durability or long service life.

The PDL TNI AD uniform certification process carried out by the Dislitbangad Laboratory Team was held in several stages, including testing aspects of construction and equipment, testing aspects of ability, testing aspects of work fluency, and testing human aspects.

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