West Bangka COVID-19 Task Force Intensify Yustisi Operation
Head of the Civil Service Police Unit of West Bangka Regency, Sidharta Gautama (center)/Photo: Antara

BANGKA BELITUNG - The West Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Bangka Belitung Islands Province will again activate judicial operations to prevent a spike in virus transmission. schedule the operation," said the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit of West Bangka Regency, Sidharta Gautama in Mentok, Friday, February 18. According to him, the re-activation of the judicial operation was carried out as a way to increase citizen discipline so that they carry out health protocols which are believed to be a powerful way to reduce the risk of virus transmission. "Justice operations will be held in several crowded locations, markets, tourist attractions, ports and places that are often used as gathering locations for other residents," he said. even though the number of confirmed cases The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in the area has increased in recent days. "This needs to be done immediately so that residents are disciplined in carrying out health protocols. We will also invite residents who have not been vaccinated to immediately vaccinate and for those who have been vaccinated to immediately complete vaccinations up to three doses or 'booster'," he said. "For that we need mutual awareness to jointly implement health protocols in a disciplined manner, wherever and whenever," said Agus Siswanto. The increase in the number of cases in the last few days will also be one of the considerations in determining teaching and learning activities at schools that have been running full face-to-face. "For schools, we will see the screen later or not, we will adjust it later according to conditions," he said. If the spread of COVID-19 is increasingly widespread in an area, village, office, there the possibility of being temporarily closed so that the spread does not spread further. The commander of Kodim 0431/West Bangka, Lt. drawan also conveyed an appeal for residents to obey health rules in an effort to prevent virus transmission. "We will also assist in sweeping in humane ways so that the tracking of residents at risk of infection is better so that prevention is more optimal," said Deri. also reminded to help with socialization and education so that residents comply with health protocols and support tracking efforts carried out by officers. 15 people, Simpangteritip two, Jebus one and Tempilang one person, bringing the total residents required to be isolated to 132 people. The number of patients who were declared cured was increased by five people, all from Mentok District so that the total number of residents recovered was 5,535 people, while the number of patients who died remained at 143 cases. and the total number of k Asus during the pandemic as many as 5,810.

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