JAKARTA - The Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) ordered DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to dredge up the Mampang River in its decision. This decision follows up on a lawsuit that was won by flood victims around Mampang River.

Member of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Justin Adrian Untayana, admitted that his party had predicted that Anies would lose in the residents' lawsuit regarding the flood. Because, Justin saw that during his tenure, Anies was not serious about running the Jakarta flood control program.

"It's only natural that Mr. Anies was punished. During his 5 years in office, Mr. Anies was always busy with controversial things, mostly performing. Forget about flood prevention efforts," Justin said in his statement, Friday, February 18.

In fact, said Justin, the annual flood management budget is quite large, reaching trillions of rupiah.

Therefore, Justin urged Anies and his staff to immediately implement the PTUN decision by dredging Mampang River to completion. Moreover, at this time Jakarta has entered the peak of the rainy season.

In addition, Anies was also asked to speed up the river normalization process and build reservoirs and dams. According to him, all flood prevention programs must be integrated.

"Don't delay it anymore. It's already the peak of the rainy season. The problem of when it will flood, can't be delayed either. So please, hurry. Prioritize, solve it, "said Justin.

For information, this lawsuit was filed by seven residents of the Mampang River flood victims since last August 2021. The residents included Tri Andarsanti Pursita, Jeanny Lamtiur Simanjuntak, Gunawan Wibisono, Yusnelly Suryadi D, Shanty Widhiyanti, Virza Syafaat Sasmitawidjaja, and Indra. They are residents of Jakarta who became victims of floods in early 2021.

The plaintiffs had previously sent an objection letter to Anies regarding the handling of the Jakarta floods in March 2021. Anies has also replied to the letter of response to the residents' objections. However, it turned out that the residents were not satisfied with Anies' answer letter.

Finally, they sued Anies to the Administrative Court. The legal process is running, the Administrative Court issued a decision on February 15, 2022. The Administrative Court granted some of the residents' claims. Anies was sentenced by the panel of judges to carry out dredging of the Mampang River completely to the Pondok Jaya area and to process the construction of river sheet piles in Pela Mampang Village.

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