COD Appointment At 3 Am, 14 Year Old Boy Stabs Cellphone Owner Using Sickle, Broken Finger
The Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan explained the cell phone robbery incident in Kampung Bahari, Tanjung Priok/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan explained, the cell phone robbery incident in Kampung Bahari, Tanjung Priok occurred when the victim was invited to meet the perpetrator at around 03.00 WIB.

The buyer asks the seller to make a transaction by means of Cash On Delivery (COD) or meet in person. The seller agreed to the invitation. It turned out that the buyer had bad intentions, wanting to take the cellphone.

"Obviously this is our concern for the many violent crimes involving juvenile offenders," Endra told reporters at the Tangerang City Government Center, Friday, February 18.

Endra Zulpan continued, currently his party is still pursuing 6 other people suspected of being involved in the crime.

"(Meanwhile) 6 other perpetrators are still being chased," continued Endra Zulpan.

Tanjung Priok Police Chief, Commissioner Ricky Prenata Vivaldy, explained that the incident began when the victim, with the initials IT (18) COD, was asked by the perpetrator to buy a cellphone, Thursday, February 17, at around 03:00 WIB.

However, when they arrived at the agreed location, the perpetrator took his friends and attacked the victim and took the cellphone brought by the seller, IT.

"The promise to COD at 3 in the morning was shared with the location in the Kampung Bahari area. After being found, suddenly his friend came and took his cellphone. The perpetrator immediately took out a sickle and slashed the perpetrator. After getting the booty, he ran away," he explained.

After the incident, the victim was immediately rushed to Koja Hospital, North Jakarta for treatment.

"The victim was taken to Koja Hospital, North Jakarta. But the information is that the victim has now returned home," he said.

After reporting to the police, officers managed to arrest one suspected perpetrator with the initials FM (14) a resident of Kampung Bahari 2, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta.

"Currently one person has been arrested by investigators. The perpetrator we arrested is still 14 years old.

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